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Found 997 results for any of the keywords major mackenzie. Time 0.008 seconds.
Major Mackenzie Natural Health CentreWhether you experience one or a combination of our services, we re confident you will find everything you need for your healing journey.
The Team Major Mackenzie Natural Health CentreContact Michelle directly at for questions or media inquiries.
Resources Major Mackenzie Natural Health CentreMajor Mackenzie Natural Health Centre Facebook page
Contact Us Major Mackenzie Natural Health CentreWe hope this website gives you the information and encouragement you seek to expand your knowledge, your sense of well-being and the joy in your life! If there is anything we can do to assist you in any way, please feel
Chiropody Major Mackenzie Natural Health CentreChiropody services involve comprehensive treatment of the foot and ankle. A chiropodist is a regulated foot specialist. Chiropodists focus mainly on conservative, non-surgical treatment methods such as gentle foot care,
Past Life Regression Major Mackenzie Natural Health CentreThere is a growing interest in Past Life Regression Therapy, as evidenced by the exposure and popularity of authors such as Dr. Brian Weiss, M.D. on shows such as Oprah.
Emotional Freedom Technique Major Mackenzie Natural Health CentreEFT is an emotional healing technique, which is based on the discovery that the cause of all negative emotions is a disruption of the energy in the body s energy system.
Reiki Energy Work Major Mackenzie Natural Health CentreReiki (pronounced Ray-key) is an ancient form of energy-based therapy with origins in Japan and Tibet. From the Japanese, Rei means Universal and Ki means Life Force. Reiki is universal life energy. It is best descri
Registered Massage Therapy Major Mackenzie Natural Health CentreMassage therapy is the manipulation of soft tissues of the body, including muscles, tendons, fascia, ligaments and joints.
Chiropractic Major Mackenzie Natural Health CentreThe word chiropractic comes from ancient Greek and means done by hand .
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